SINCE 2001

Total Grants
for Medical



Since 2001, the MCM Fund has proudly paid out over $141,114,464 in grants to non-profit organizations. In the area of Medical, $13,061,791 has been paid out through June 2023.


Investing in technology to save more lives

Committed to supporting good works that benefit communities and change lives, The Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund has generously supported the work of the American Red Cross in the Cascade Region for years. Now, thanks to a $125K grant from the MCM Fund, the Red Cross is able to save even more lives with the purchase of 75 new blood scales that revolutionize the process of blood donations. To meet the ongoing demand for blood, they work to collect more than 13,000 donations at about 485 blood drives around the nation every day held at fixed sites, mobile sites, and traveling bloodmobiles. The organization safely then stores the blood safely as they process it and conduct research and testing, and are always ready to provide it on-demand when needed to save patients’ lives. 

This grant is helping the Red Cross improve the entire blood donation process. With a 10-year average lifecycle, the new scales will have an extraordinary impact, bolstering our nation’s blood supply for patients, helping to increase efficiency, alleviate waste, save donors’ time, and create significant cost savings for the Red Cross over time.

Making transformation possible

“We are so grateful for this grant from the Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund. They are so friendly, approachable, and responsive. Their willingness to fund something so new to the Red Cross is something I admire. This gift was not just transactional — it was transformational for our organization.”
—Lynn McFarland, Regional Philanthropy Officer, American Red Cross, Cascades Region

The Impact 

The grant is helping American Red Cross improve the arm-to-arm journey of blood donations from donor to the patient by enabling them to: 

  • Speed up the time needed to collect blood, enhancing the donor’s experience
  • Collect the optimal volume of blood from donors, based on their gender, height, and weight, thanks to smart software 
  • Allow people weighing less than 95 pounds to donate for the first time, with the ability to personalize the amount of blood being collected 
  • Free up the phlebotomist from the need to manually agitate collection bags to prevent coagulation or clotting, helping them interact with donors and focus on their safety  
  • Decrease the amount of blood wasted