To ease the hardship and improve the well-being of humanity.


In keeping with our stated mission, we look for opportunities to promote the creation and enhancement of fund-raising capacity within institutions, organizations and agencies dedicated to serving community needs. We look favorably upon organizations with board participation at all levels.

Made in Oregon

The late Maybelle Clark Macdonald, along with her husband, Fred Macdonald, started the MCM Fund in 1970 with the mission of easing the hardship and improving the well-being of humanity. For over 50 years, the fund has supported the organizations five core missions:

Cultural Arts | Education | Human Services | Medical | Public Benefit

Fund recipients have included universities, elementary and secondary schools, organizations supporting mentoring and youth development, the arts, organizations serving the needs of abused women and children, alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities, medical institutions, and numerous agencies dedicated to feeding and housing the poor.

Oregon is Our Community

Having and maintaining a relationship with an organization’s board is essential to our charge to support “the good works of Oregonians.” One of Maybelle’s most important legacies to the Fund is the precedent she set for making long-term commitments to leverage the support of community leaders for the ongoing benefit of the Fund’s recipients.

Equipping Leaders

Former Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Dennis Keenan, described Mrs. Macdonald as “a very gentle, humble and unassuming lady. She especially cared about people who are on the margins, people who are in desperate situations.” The Fund has demonstrated a special interest in children with grants to provide educational scholarship assistance; funding for youth arts emersion programs; summer job programs; mentoring initiatives; and grants to organizations supporting the needs of abused, neglected, and disabled young people. Behind each one of our grants is our desire is to make society better by giving people a head start in improving their lives and the lives of others, and by fostering community leadership.